Need a little inspiration?
Every now and then we need a little pick me up, we will continue to add video’s that help us to put our lives into perspective and sprinkle a bit of sunshine on a gloomy day.
Please take a moment to pause and check some of these out.
Framework for success
In this interview, Jim shares the framework for success in business and in life. Jim walks you through each of the steps to help you achieve your goals, using examples that keep it simple and easy to follow.
Steve Jobs Stanford Speech
This is a remarkable speech and has some powerful messages in here for all of us.
Patrick Henry
A short video that helps you put your life into perspective, touching and inspiring.
Rick & Dick Hoyt
More inspiration from a father and son competing in the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon, truly exceptional.
Rocky Balboa
Eric Thomas
Charley Chaplin
Denzel Washington
Feeling unspired? Watch this incredibly inspired motivational speech by Denzel Washington to a group of aspiring actors and kids.
Brene Brown
Built for Greatness
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