Motivational blog
As athletes, we’ve learnt a lot about planning, strategy, commitment and developing the right mindset for success.

See it, say it, sorted
Recently here in the UK we have had the launch of a national safety campaign with the simple message of “See it, Say it, Sorted” it’s a security campaign for National Rail and when I first heard it in the build up to Christmas I thought that it made complete sense....
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What makes an employee highly engaged?
At the moment I can’t say this figure enough, I’ve known about the global data from Gallup for some years now and it’s never really struck me until just recently when I was thinking about organisations and the constant pressure to perform. 24% is the number of people...
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Is it time for a leadership MOT
How often do we think about going along for a Leadership MOT in our entire career? I know you might be put through your paces if you’re going for a promotion but what about everyone else that isn’t on the fast track or being developed because they are considered as...
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Avoid loneliness at the top
I was staggered to find that one of the biggest problems facing CEO’s even in this world of information and technology is that of Loneliness! And yet, here’s the thing, nearly 66% of CEO’s do not receive coaching or leadership advice from outside consultants or...
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8-Steps of World Class Performance
Prior to Mark flying over to Rio to commentate for the BBC on the swimming at the Olympics, we sat down and pulled together what we believe to be the critical steps to World Class Performance, whether it be at the highest level in sport or in the business world, there...
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Adaptation VS transformation Coaching
Just this week I was speaking with a long term friend and senior leader, we were discussing my belief that the goal of coaching should ideally be a process of transformational change to be highly effective. I have always had the view that it’s better to teach / coach...
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Stuck on the road to nowhere
Have you ever found yourself wondering whether you’re making progress or if the direction you’re heading in, is in fact the right way? I’m sure like me, you’ve had those thoughts more than once and it’s not a bad thing to be considering from time to time. Sometimes it...
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Commited to the end
Commit to Seeing It Through Commitment to see something through to completion is what makes the difference between winning and being an “also ran”. The key ingredients of commitment are determination, motivation, and enthusiasm. Take the Next Step An astonishing...
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Seeing is Believing, or is it?
What if, the old saying is upside down, so instead of “Seeing Is Believing” it would be “You need to Believe before you See It” There’s an energy that goes with “Seeing Is Believing”, it suggests that it’s not possible, that I need convincing before I’ll go with what...
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How to understand your own behaviour
Understanding Your Behaviour Depending on your experiences as you grew from childhood to adulthood, you will have learned the basics of right and wrong and will know how you like to be treated and how to treat others. Hold on to Being Right The traditional advice that...
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No time to think
It’s fair to say that the pace of the corporate world has sped up over the past 10 years, technology has played a big role in this with same time e-mails, Skype and other similar media. Add to this the fact that a lot of organisations have streamlined their headcount...
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