With our combined experience of 50 years plus from competing at different sports, Mark a career of 23 years at the highest level of competitive swimming and myself competing in numerous Ironman Triathlons & Ultra Cycle races we have learnt a lot about what it takes to compete and perform under pressure.
Here we have blended our sporting experience with what we have both learnt from working in the corporate world with senior leaders and building high performing teams.
8-Steps of World Class Performance Conference
We will be running a full day conference in London looking deeper into the 8 Steps of World Class Performance on the 25th November, please save the date.
Know Yourself |
This first step is all about creating a deeper level of awareness around the patterns of behaviour that you run or patterns that run you! Every interaction we have leaves a fingerprint, so this about becoming aware of the fingerprint we leave on a moment by moment basis. We use various tools to measure individuals and teams and then explore the results with our qualified coaches with a focus to support long term sustainable improvement.
Define your Purpose |
At some point, at a personal level, we all contemplate what it’s all about and why have we shown up on planet earth? We have found that helping teams come up with a compelling WHY engages everyone within the team and the rest of the organisation. So many businesses have a Vision & Mission and yet struggle to articulate a powerful Purpose statement that connects everyone.
Know what you want |
At the core of peak performance every athlete and successful business leader sets goals, this seems very obvious and yet a lot of people do struggle when asked the simple question of what do you want? Short term and long term goals in all aspects of your life help you maintain a laser like focus on where you’re heading.
Be Authentic |
Being able to have the courage to speak your truth and follow through on what you said you’re going to do is the mark of a true champion and inspirational leader. This trait is the one that inspires others to give their best to support a project or go the extra mile for an athlete because they know they can trust the person to do their best to deliver.
Take Action |
All the other steps are important but nothing happens unless you take action, developing daily disciplines and keeping a journal of how you are tracking against your goals. The journal work is a key aspect to ensuring that you are learning every time you step up into the arena or into the board room.
Personal Responsibility |
What’s been obvious recently is that athletes competing at the highest levels within their sport all take 100% personal responsibility for their outcome, they don’t blame their competitors, the weather, the track they run on etc. They own their result, it allows them to re-focus and extract the learning from an event that didn’t go well for them and move forward. The same is true for exceptional leaders, they don’t blame the economy or the launch of a new product from their competitors.
Be Present |
With the busyness and pace of life in the corporate world it’s no wonder that a leader who has the ability to be present really does stand out amongst the crowd. There are so many distractions, everything is urgent, so it’s the person who can keep their head whilst everyone else is running around in a panic who saves the day.
Being present is more about slowing down so that you pay attention to your interactions with others and being mindful of the impact you’re having in those moments.
Commit |
Without doubt, this is the achilles heel for those people who don’t achieve their goals, unfortunately far too often they give up when the going gets tough or they end up being happy with partly achieving their goal. Leaning into it fully and seeing it all the way through is what the best do, they have an ability to tap into a reserve that helps them push through any disappointments that they might encounter along the way.